Wed Aug 01 2012

Fagforbundet web-site

The new website for Fagforbundet is a 100% responsive site utilizing cutting edge technologies like those provided by HTML 5 and accompanying technologies.

Loading video data

Even more so, the site is a visual treat due to in large part our awesome graphic designer which in cahoots with the rest of the team made creating a fast, responsive and cool site into really inspiring work.

The front page in a desktop browser
The front page in a desktop browser

The site being responsive simply means that it adapts to different screen sizes and in this case also to different platforms and input methods. If you're on a touch device the site knows this and gives your the optimal experience tailored for touch input, all the way down to how scroll works and how memory usage is handled.

The front page on an iPad
The front page on an iPad

Since we all know that traditional computers soon will be a thing of the past, we took special care to have the site perform and look particularly good on smaller devices like the iPhone. Making the site perform well within a bunch of different environments was a challenge, but a worthwhile one.

The front page on an iPhone
The front page on an iPhone

My part in this

  • Technical lead
  • Concept refinement
  • Interaction principles (modules, search, responsiveness + more)
  • Technical architecture
  • Markup and styling for about 50% of the site
  • All CoffeeScript / JavaScript development

Tools and technologies utilized

  • CoffeeScript
  • JavaScript
  • HTML 5 + companion technologies ( on..)
Disclaimer: The current website at does not look, behave and perform as we intended to when we made it. This is due to some later work and additions performed by others. Please refer to the screenshots and the video above to get an accurate impression of our work on this site.

Additional screenshots